/ productivity, goals

Making Progress

I created this blog at the beginning of the year, hoping that I would write more. I’ve created 6 posts prior to this one. Why? Because I always felt I wasn’t quite an established blogger (though I’ve created 2-3 blogs both personal and professional). I let the thought of perfection keep me from making any progress on it. So many times I’ve re-iterated to myself, “Just start somewhere and tweak as you go along”. You’d think I’d take my own advice on that.

However, I can say I’ve done that with my personal goals on GitHub. Though I’ve been goal planning for a few years now via notebook, I was a little worried about adding it to something so public. I started with the template Una Kravets had on her GitHub and then just evolved it as the months went by. I can probably say that I’ve been 98% religious with weekly and monthly planning towards my goals. You can see that within the weekly commits. I even created separate branches per week before merging it into master. It really helped me visualize the things I want to accomplish in various areas of my life. It also helped me reflect on the tasks I completed. Sometimes we forget to celebrate the small wins because we’re always trying to figure out what to do next. Having my GitHub as a live document of it all really helped put things into perspective. Maybe it’s the versioning aspect. Nothing is final but you can always iterate.

Evolution of my Goals page:

I’m hoping to incorporate more of the tactics suggested in Make Time: How to Focus on What Matters Every Day for my daily routine. I’ve also shared my GitHub goals with a few close friends to make it more visible. I hope this inspires people to start anywhere towards their goals. They can figure out how to get there as they go along.

photo caption: generated color palette from background image
photo credit: coolors.co