/ goals, alwayslearning

Week 1 of Learning

Week 1 of 2018.

Started making my goals visible as inspired by Una. For the past two years, I’ve written down my goals in my Leuchttrum1917 notebook. Some goals were achieved. Some of those were made visible through social media (like my powerlifting PRs on Instagram or book goals on Goodreads). Others were just a checkbox on my list.

This year, I wanted to focus more on learning. In my field, it’s always beneficial to update your skills or else your knowledge can get outdated fairly quickly. With CSS Grids, Design Systems and CSS animation buzzing everywhere, it would be a shame not to take advantage of all the new features and techniques that are available. I also wanted to learn more about UX beyond the articles and video lectures. As I laid out my learning plan, I chose Udemy, Interaction Design Foundation, Skillshare and some books as my tools for learning. GitHub was a perfect place for me to document my progress since it’s just like a project.

For my first week, I’ve completed more lessons than I planned, started a Udemy course and setup a GitHub page using Jekyll. If I keep up this pace, maybe I can put a dent in my professional “To Be Read” stack.

Here’s to #alwayslearning

P.S. This blog setup is still a work in progress.